これが中学入試の「英語入試問題」だ!(神戸市北区西鈴蘭台の塾・灘中学受験Academia) #中学入試 #英語入試 #英語入試問題



〒651-1132 神戸市北区南五葉1丁目2-31 SHKビル2F

営業時間/14:00~21:00 定休日/日曜・祝日

これが中学入試の「英語入試問題」だ!(神戸市北区西鈴蘭台の塾・灘中学受験Academia) #中学入試 #英語入試 #英語入試問題


2019/07/18 これが中学入試の「英語入試問題」だ!(神戸市北区西鈴蘭台の塾・灘中学受験Academia) #中学入試 #英語入試 #英語入試問題




「西大和学園中」(2018年)Section 3:Choosing the best response to the prompt

10) Matthew Calbraith Perry played a leading role in the successful opening up of Japan. He was told by the American President to open the Japanese ports to American trade.
a) He was unable to successfully start trade relations with Japan.

b) He decided to turn back when it was clear that Japan would not open itself to outside trade.

c) Japan resumed trade with the United States and other countries after his visit to Japan.

d) He successfully helped close off Japan to outside trade.



Write a story that begins and ends with the following sentences.
Beginning: The two students were waiting nervously outside the headmaster’s office.
Ending: They had never felt as happy as they did that evening.
注意 1)作文は英語で書くこと。2)時間は20分です。


「親和中」(2019年)3 次の各問いに答えなさい。

(1) 次の英文は、それぞれ漢字の成り立ちを説明しています。それぞれの英文が表す漢字を答えなさい。

③ This kanji is composed of four identical parts and one other part. The meaning of the four identical parts is “mouth”, and the other part means “big”. What kanji is this?

(注) be composed of ~ ~から作られる  identical 同一の

(2) 次の英文の状況は、ある四字熟語にあてはまります。それぞれの英文の状況に合う四字熟語を、あとから1つ選びなさい。

② Kate had a problem with her weight, so she decided to go on a diet. She ate only meals, and she stopped eating sweets and snacks between meals. She started to play some sports and exercised a lot. One day, her husband saw her meal on the table and was surprised. It was a big meal;she was eating almost twice as much food as she did before going on the diet.

ア 臨機応変  イ 公明正大  ウ 不言実行  エ 朝三暮四







神戸市北区南五葉1丁目2-31 SHKビル2F


